Onderwerp: Black & White roddels??? 25/04/11, 02:00 pm
Zoals bij de meeste nieuwtjes word er wel over gerodeld, en bij de volgende generatie pokemon-games gebeurt juist hetzelfde. Zo word er gezegd dat de Professor in Black & White een dame zal zijn en in het Japans "Araragi" zal heten. Het slechte team zou dit maal Team Plasma heten & er word ook beweerd dat er Triple battles zullen komen. Zekrom zou Thunder/Dragon type zijn, en Reshiram Ice/Dragon, en bovendien zouden ze van type kunnen wijzigen (+/- zoals Arceus). Wat hiervan wel en niet klopt valt nog te bekijken, want daarom zijn het roddels. Maar hou er wel rekening mee dat deze werden verspreid op de Japanse 2CH-Forum, en de meeste roddels van Black & White daar tot nu toe juist waren...
Source: Pokébeach.com
Citaat :
In related news, rumors have been circulating on Japanese forum 2ch concerning the contents of this month's CoroCoro magazine. Last month, rumors of the magazine's contents also circulated a few days before the scans were leaked, and many of them turned out to be true. Current rumors hold that Black and White's professor is female and named Araragi, that the evil team is named Team Plasma, that there will be triple battles, that there are around 150 new Pokemon, and that the silhouettes of the region's legendary trio look like cotton, a dog, and a bipedal animal. Remember how we posted the three starter Pokemon's names before they were ever officially confirmed? The source we used also has this information, so it may turn out to be true. Other completely unconfirmed rumors floating around are that the plot doesn't involve collecting eight badges, that the main character knows how to excavate ruins, and that the protagonist's father is an explorer. And according to the interwebz, Reshiram is Ice / Dragon and Zekrom is Electric / Dragon, and the two can change types during battle. Remember, these are obviously just rumors for now, but they are interesting nevertheless! Thanks go to DorianBlack for these translations. We'll find out the truth within the next few days when scans of the magazine leak, possibly even as early as tomorrow morning.